Most companies throughout their life refresh IT equipment, however are unsure how to dispose of the obsolete equipment.
IT equipment should never be disposed of in the general rubbish, where it ends up in landfill.
Furthermore most equipment can be recycled at a component level and contain substances that could potentially leech into environment if not disposed of correctly.
IT E-Waste provides easy and cost effective solution to equipment disposal and data security. In some cases providing a positive net return to our clients.
In some cases where there is still considerable residual value in equipment we are able to remarket your equipment.
When assessing the resale potential of your IT assets, we consider the age, functionality, appearance and overall condition of the asset.
Generally items that are remarketed include:
We work closely with our clients to ensure that you receive the maximum return.
24/25-33 Alfred Rd,
Chipping Norton NSW 2170
1300 48 5865
1300 IT JUNK